“You might think this is just another ‘Bravo’ for a beautiful night with Dorothy Scott & the Peacekeepers.” writes Terry Lundahl.

Well, it is kind of… The show was magnificent at the Tarlton Theater last night. What I really want more than anything, is to express my thoughts about the venue after the show.
I’ve worked for the past 30 years directing, managing, promoting, producing music programs. I’ve had the rare opportunity to work in some amazing venues over the years including: Third Avenue Playhouse, Door Community Auditorium, Kress Center, Peg Egan PAC and many more. I have also traveled extensively with Dorothy Scott as artist management throughout the U.S., witnessing some pretty amazing places.
Rarely do I ever get to venture out to other venues as an audience member. Last night, I was reminded, as I “humbly” looked on from an “outside-in” perspective at the Tarlton Theater, of the immense hard work that goes into offering outstanding music and educational programs for our communities and what that is all about.
This is a shout-out to Tarl Knight, his staff, and board of directors.
I was awed by the gracious welcome, the over-the-top great service from the staff (cooks, waiters, bartenders, sound engineer (big shout out to David), promoters, event planners, etc. I wish I knew all their names – each one of them deserves to be recognized. I could not help but feel a kindred spirit with Tarl Knight and Kylie, who I know without a doubt have worked so hard in producing a top-notch venue. Their perspective on introducing “new music” by working with independent artists, taking risks with artists to insure a full house, taking an old theater and making it into something so special, taking time to make sure the artists playing at the theater feel honored, and most of all, insuring that all audience members feel a part of the “whole.”
Bravo Tarl Knight and everyone who made this night so special.
An added extra “bravo” to all the audience members who attended last night to support Dorothy Scott & the Peacekeepers on their first out-of-town gig. I was overwhelmed with the “full house” produced by our communities, blending Door County with Green Bay area music fans. You know who you are, and I want to personally thank so many of you that made sure the event went “full circle” with your attendance. Thank you everyone for a night of pure joy and enlightenment.